Oh look, it’s that time of year again when I pretend to be a dedicated blogger. So exciting! My theme hasn’t changed, but the location has. I decided to make a dedicated site for me to prattle on about movies and i’m now adding in tv shows. More exciting!
(graphic by Amanda Chronister)
I don’t have all of the little touches finished yet, but all of the content from previous MoFos is there and there will be new stuff starting tomorrow. But in the meantime, I thought I would share with you some important VeganMoFo essentials for getting through a month of blogging without burning out. AKA, I am procrastinating doing other things so I did this.
1. Remotes handy so you can watch reruns of Always Sunny, The Office, or whatever you kids are into while you blog. Or if you’re me, it’s ‘research’.
2. Caffeinated beverage of your choice.
3. Vegan snacks that can stay on your desk without refrigeration, sorry hummus.
4. A large supply of Amy’s burritos and wraps. Trust me. (and yes they immediately went back in the freezer, what kind of weirdo keeps frozen burritos on their desk)
5. If you are so inclined, a variety of nail polish because waiting for your nails to dry is one of the few things you can do with your hands while also blogging.
6. Hippie deodorant, because you will get ‘too much time in front of the computer’ funk.
7. B-12, because you always need to take it!
8. Papaya enzymes, because they help alleviate heartburn and stress is a major factor in heartburn.
9. Hand cream because I have really dry hands, okay.
10. Dry shampoo, because reading other people’s blogs is more important than washing your hair.
11. Any source materials you may need, be it cookbooks or a semi-random stack of movies that you grabbed that may or may not actually get used.
12. Tissues because the tears.
13. Your phone. I’m just kidding, you don’t need this, you don’t have time to talk to anyone!
14. Post-its and writing instruments because you refuse to use your smart phone to actually keep track of anything but how bad you are at Sudoku.
15. You need twitter open at all times.
16. You should probably keep WordPress (or whatever you’re using) open to remind you to actually do the blogging part. I guess that’s important.
17. You need a nice, healthy distraction like Hearthstone. I actually got 90% of my pre-MoFo prep done while playing!